Source code for zipline.assets.asset_writer

# Copyright 2015 Quantopian, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from collections import namedtuple
import re

from contextlib2 import ExitStack
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sqlalchemy as sa
from toolz import first

from zipline.errors import AssetDBVersionError
from zipline.assets.asset_db_schema import (
    equities as equities_table,
    equity_supplementary_mappings as equity_supplementary_mappings_table,
    futures_contracts as futures_contracts_table,
    exchanges as exchanges_table,

from zipline.utils.preprocess import preprocess
from zipline.utils.range import from_tuple, intersecting_ranges
from zipline.utils.sqlite_utils import coerce_string_to_eng

# Define a namedtuple for use with the load_data and _load_data methods
AssetData = namedtuple(
    'AssetData', (


symbol_columns = frozenset({
mapping_columns = symbol_columns | {'start_date', 'end_date'}

def _default_none(df, column):
    return None

def _no_default(df, column):
    if not df.empty:
        raise ValueError('no default value for column %r' % column)

# Default values for the equities DataFrame
_equities_defaults = {
    'symbol': _default_none,
    'asset_name': _default_none,
    'start_date': lambda df, col: 0,
    'end_date': lambda df, col: np.iinfo(np.int64).max,
    'first_traded': _default_none,
    'auto_close_date': _default_none,
    # the full exchange name
    'exchange': _no_default,

# Default values for the futures DataFrame
_futures_defaults = {
    'symbol': _default_none,
    'root_symbol': _default_none,
    'asset_name': _default_none,
    'start_date': lambda df, col: 0,
    'end_date': lambda df, col: np.iinfo(np.int64).max,
    'first_traded': _default_none,
    'exchange': _default_none,
    'notice_date': _default_none,
    'expiration_date': _default_none,
    'auto_close_date': _default_none,
    'tick_size': _default_none,
    'multiplier': lambda df, col: 1,

# Default values for the exchanges DataFrame
_exchanges_defaults = {
    'canonical_name': lambda df, col: df.index,
    'country_code': lambda df, col: '??',

# Default values for the root_symbols DataFrame
_root_symbols_defaults = {
    'root_symbol_id': _default_none,
    'sector': _default_none,
    'description': _default_none,
    'exchange': _default_none,

# Default values for the equity_supplementary_mappings DataFrame
_equity_supplementary_mappings_defaults = {
    'sid': _default_none,
    'value': _default_none,
    'field': _default_none,
    'start_date': lambda df, col: 0,
    'end_date': lambda df, col: np.iinfo(np.int64).max,

# Fuzzy symbol delimiters that may break up a company symbol and share class
_delimited_symbol_delimiters_regex = re.compile(r'[./\-_]')
_delimited_symbol_default_triggers = frozenset({np.nan, None, ''})

def split_delimited_symbol(symbol):
    Takes in a symbol that may be delimited and splits it in to a company
    symbol and share class symbol. Also returns the fuzzy symbol, which is the
    symbol without any fuzzy characters at all.

    symbol : str
        The possibly-delimited symbol to be split

    company_symbol : str
        The company part of the symbol.
    share_class_symbol : str
        The share class part of a symbol.
    # return blank strings for any bad fuzzy symbols, like NaN or None
    if symbol in _delimited_symbol_default_triggers:
        return '', ''

    symbol = symbol.upper()

    split_list = re.split(

    # Break the list up in to its two components, the company symbol and the
    # share class symbol
    company_symbol = split_list[0]
    if len(split_list) > 1:
        share_class_symbol = split_list[1]
        share_class_symbol = ''

    return company_symbol, share_class_symbol

def _generate_output_dataframe(data_subset, defaults):
    Generates an output dataframe from the given subset of user-provided
    data, the given column names, and the given default values.

    data_subset : DataFrame
        A DataFrame, usually from an AssetData object,
        that contains the user's input metadata for the asset type being
    defaults : dict
        A dict where the keys are the names of the columns of the desired
        output DataFrame and the values are a function from dataframe and
        column name to the default values to insert in the DataFrame if no user
        data is provided

        A DataFrame containing all user-provided metadata, and default values
        wherever user-provided metadata was missing
    # The columns provided.
    cols = set(data_subset.columns)
    desired_cols = set(defaults)

    # Drop columns with unrecognised headers.
    data_subset.drop(cols - desired_cols,

    # Get those columns which we need but
    # for which no data has been supplied.
    for col in desired_cols - cols:
        # write the default value for any missing columns
        data_subset[col] = defaults[col](data_subset, col)

    return data_subset

def _check_asset_group(group):
    row = group.sort_values('end_date').iloc[-1]
    row.start_date = group.start_date.min()
    row.end_date = group.end_date.max()
    row.drop(list(symbol_columns), inplace=True)
    return row

def _format_range(r):
    return (
        str(pd.Timestamp(r.start, unit='ns')),
        str(pd.Timestamp(r.stop, unit='ns')),

def _split_symbol_mappings(df, exchanges):
    """Split out the symbol: sid mappings from the raw data.

    df : pd.DataFrame
        The dataframe with multiple rows for each symbol: sid pair.

    asset_info : pd.DataFrame
        The asset info with one row per asset.
    symbol_mappings : pd.DataFrame
        The dataframe of just symbol: sid mappings. The index will be
        the sid, then there will be three columns: symbol, start_date, and
    mappings = df[list(mapping_columns)].copy()
    mappings['country_code'] = exchanges['country_code'][df['exchange']].values
    ambigious = {}

    def check_intersections(persymbol):
        intersections = list(intersecting_ranges(map(
            zip(persymbol.start_date, persymbol.end_date),
        if intersections:
            data = persymbol[
                ['start_date', 'end_date']
            # indent the dataframe string, also compute this early because
            # ``persymbol`` is a view and ``astype`` doesn't copy the index
            # correctly in pandas 0.22
            msg_component = '\n  '.join(str(data).splitlines())
            ambigious[] = intersections, msg_component

    mappings.groupby(['symbol', 'country_code']).apply(check_intersections)

    if ambigious:
        raise ValueError(
            'Ambiguous ownership for %d symbol%s, multiple assets held the'
            ' following symbols:\n%s' % (
                '' if len(ambigious) == 1 else 's',
                    '%s (%s):\n  intersections: %s\n  %s' % (
                        tuple(map(_format_range, intersections)),
                    for (symbol, country_code), (intersections, cs) in sorted(
    return (

def _dt_to_epoch_ns(dt_series):
    """Convert a timeseries into an Int64Index of nanoseconds since the epoch.

    dt_series : pd.Series
        The timeseries to convert.

    idx : pd.Int64Index
        The index converted to nanoseconds since the epoch.
    index = pd.to_datetime(dt_series.values)
    if index.tzinfo is None:
        index = index.tz_localize('UTC')
        index = index.tz_convert('UTC')
    return index.view(np.int64)

def check_version_info(conn, version_table, expected_version):
    Checks for a version value in the version table.

    conn : sa.Connection
        The connection to use to perform the check.
    version_table : sa.Table
        The version table of the asset database
    expected_version : int
        The expected version of the asset database

        If the version is in the table and not equal to ASSET_DB_VERSION.

    # Read the version out of the table
    version_from_table = conn.execute(,)),

    # A db without a version is considered v0
    if version_from_table is None:
        version_from_table = 0

    # Raise an error if the versions do not match
    if (version_from_table != expected_version):
        raise AssetDBVersionError(db_version=version_from_table,

def write_version_info(conn, version_table, version_value):
    Inserts the version value in to the version table.

    conn : sa.Connection
        The connection to use to execute the insert.
    version_table : sa.Table
        The version table of the asset database
    version_value : int
        The version to write in to the database

    conn.execute(sa.insert(version_table, values={'version': version_value}))

class _empty(object):
    columns = ()

[docs]class AssetDBWriter(object): """Class used to write data to an assets db. Parameters ---------- engine : Engine or str An SQLAlchemy engine or path to a SQL database. """ DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE = SQLITE_MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER @preprocess(engine=coerce_string_to_eng(require_exists=False)) def __init__(self, engine): self.engine = engine
[docs] def write(self, equities=None, futures=None, exchanges=None, root_symbols=None, equity_supplementary_mappings=None, chunk_size=DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE): """Write asset metadata to a sqlite database. Parameters ---------- equities : pd.DataFrame, optional The equity metadata. The columns for this dataframe are: symbol : str The ticker symbol for this equity. asset_name : str The full name for this asset. start_date : datetime The date when this asset was created. end_date : datetime, optional The last date we have trade data for this asset. first_traded : datetime, optional The first date we have trade data for this asset. auto_close_date : datetime, optional The date on which to close any positions in this asset. exchange : str The exchange where this asset is traded. The index of this dataframe should contain the sids. futures : pd.DataFrame, optional The future contract metadata. The columns for this dataframe are: symbol : str The ticker symbol for this futures contract. root_symbol : str The root symbol, or the symbol with the expiration stripped out. asset_name : str The full name for this asset. start_date : datetime, optional The date when this asset was created. end_date : datetime, optional The last date we have trade data for this asset. first_traded : datetime, optional The first date we have trade data for this asset. exchange : str The exchange where this asset is traded. notice_date : datetime The date when the owner of the contract may be forced to take physical delivery of the contract's asset. expiration_date : datetime The date when the contract expires. auto_close_date : datetime The date when the broker will automatically close any positions in this contract. tick_size : float The minimum price movement of the contract. multiplier: float The amount of the underlying asset represented by this contract. exchanges : pd.DataFrame, optional The exchanges where assets can be traded. The columns of this dataframe are: exchange : str The full name of the exchange. canonical_name : str The canonical name of the exchange. country_code : str The ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code of the exchange. root_symbols : pd.DataFrame, optional The root symbols for the futures contracts. The columns for this dataframe are: root_symbol : str The root symbol name. root_symbol_id : int The unique id for this root symbol. sector : string, optional The sector of this root symbol. description : string, optional A short description of this root symbol. exchange : str The exchange where this root symbol is traded. equity_supplementary_mappings : pd.DataFrame, optional Additional mappings from values of abitrary type to assets. chunk_size : int, optional The amount of rows to write to the SQLite table at once. This defaults to the default number of bind params in sqlite. If you have compiled sqlite3 with more bind or less params you may want to pass that value here. See Also -------- zipline.assets.asset_finder """ if exchanges is None: exchange_names = [ df['exchange'] for df in (equities, futures, root_symbols) if df is not None ] if exchange_names: exchanges = pd.DataFrame({ 'exchange': pd.concat(exchange_names).unique(), }) with self.engine.begin() as conn: # Ensure that the foreign key constraints are enforced on inserts. # The ``foreign_keys`` pragma only applies to a given connection, # not the whole database. # conn.execute('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON') # Create SQL tables if they do not exist. self.init_db(conn) # Get the data to add to SQL. data = self._load_data( equities if equities is not None else pd.DataFrame(), futures if futures is not None else pd.DataFrame(), exchanges if exchanges is not None else pd.DataFrame(), root_symbols if root_symbols is not None else pd.DataFrame(), ( equity_supplementary_mappings if equity_supplementary_mappings is not None else pd.DataFrame() ), ) # Write the data to SQL. self._write_df_to_table( exchanges_table, data.exchanges, conn, chunk_size, ) self._write_df_to_table( futures_root_symbols, data.root_symbols, conn, chunk_size, ) self._write_df_to_table( equity_supplementary_mappings_table, data.equity_supplementary_mappings, conn, chunk_size, idx=False, ) self._write_assets( 'future', data.futures, conn, chunk_size, ) self._write_assets( 'equity', data.equities, conn, chunk_size, mapping_data=data.equities_mappings, )
def _write_df_to_table( self, tbl, df, txn, chunk_size, idx=True, idx_label=None, ): df.to_sql(, txn.connection, index=idx, index_label=( idx_label if idx_label is not None else first(tbl.primary_key.columns).name ), if_exists='append', chunksize=chunk_size, ) def _write_assets(self, asset_type, assets, txn, chunk_size, mapping_data=None): if asset_type == 'future': tbl = futures_contracts_table if mapping_data is not None: raise TypeError('no mapping data expected for futures') elif asset_type == 'equity': tbl = equities_table if mapping_data is None: raise TypeError('mapping data required for equities') # write the symbol mapping data. self._write_df_to_table( equity_symbol_mappings, mapping_data, txn, chunk_size, idx_label='sid', ) else: raise ValueError( "asset_type must be in {'future', 'equity'}, got: %s" % asset_type, ) self._write_df_to_table(tbl, assets, txn, chunk_size) pd.DataFrame({ assets.index.values, asset_type, }).to_sql(, txn.connection, if_exists='append', index=False, chunksize=chunk_size ) def _all_tables_present(self, txn): """ Checks if any tables are present in the current assets database. Parameters ---------- txn : Transaction The open transaction to check in. Returns ------- has_tables : bool True if any tables are present, otherwise False. """ conn = txn.connect() for table_name in asset_db_table_names: if txn.dialect.has_table(conn, table_name): return True return False
[docs] def init_db(self, txn=None): """Connect to database and create tables. Parameters ---------- txn : sa.engine.Connection, optional The transaction to execute in. If this is not provided, a new transaction will be started with the engine provided. Returns ------- metadata : sa.MetaData The metadata that describes the new assets db. """ with ExitStack() as stack: if txn is None: txn = stack.enter_context(self.engine.begin()) tables_already_exist = self._all_tables_present(txn) # Create the SQL tables if they do not already exist. metadata.create_all(txn, checkfirst=True) if tables_already_exist: check_version_info(txn, version_info, ASSET_DB_VERSION) else: write_version_info(txn, version_info, ASSET_DB_VERSION)
def _normalize_equities(self, equities, exchanges): # HACK: If 'company_name' is provided, map it to asset_name if ('company_name' in equities.columns and 'asset_name' not in equities.columns): equities['asset_name'] = equities['company_name'] # remap 'file_name' to 'symbol' if provided if 'file_name' in equities.columns: equities['symbol'] = equities['file_name'] equities_output = _generate_output_dataframe( data_subset=equities, defaults=_equities_defaults, ) # Split symbols to company_symbols and share_class_symbols tuple_series = equities_output['symbol'].apply(split_delimited_symbol) split_symbols = pd.DataFrame( tuple_series.tolist(), columns=['company_symbol', 'share_class_symbol'], index=tuple_series.index ) equities_output = pd.concat((equities_output, split_symbols), axis=1) # Upper-case all symbol data for col in symbol_columns: equities_output[col] = equities_output[col].str.upper() # Convert date columns to UNIX Epoch integers (nanoseconds) for col in ('start_date', 'end_date', 'first_traded', 'auto_close_date'): equities_output[col] = _dt_to_epoch_ns(equities_output[col]) return _split_symbol_mappings(equities_output, exchanges) def _normalize_futures(self, futures): futures_output = _generate_output_dataframe( data_subset=futures, defaults=_futures_defaults, ) for col in ('symbol', 'root_symbol'): futures_output[col] = futures_output[col].str.upper() for col in ('start_date', 'end_date', 'first_traded', 'notice_date', 'expiration_date', 'auto_close_date'): futures_output[col] = _dt_to_epoch_ns(futures_output[col]) return futures_output def _normalize_equity_supplementary_mappings(self, mappings): mappings_output = _generate_output_dataframe( data_subset=mappings, defaults=_equity_supplementary_mappings_defaults, ) for col in ('start_date', 'end_date'): mappings_output[col] = _dt_to_epoch_ns(mappings_output[col]) return mappings_output def _load_data( self, equities, futures, exchanges, root_symbols, equity_supplementary_mappings, ): """ Returns a standard set of pandas.DataFrames: equities, futures, exchanges, root_symbols """ # Check whether identifier columns have been provided. # If they have, set the index to this column. # If not, assume the index already cotains the identifier information. for df, id_col in [(equities, 'sid'), (futures, 'sid'), (exchanges, 'exchange'), (root_symbols, 'root_symbol')]: if id_col in df.columns: df.set_index(id_col, inplace=True) futures_output = self._normalize_futures(futures) equity_supplementary_mappings_output = ( self._normalize_equity_supplementary_mappings( equity_supplementary_mappings, ) ) exchanges_output = _generate_output_dataframe( data_subset=exchanges, defaults=_exchanges_defaults, ) equities_output, equities_mappings = self._normalize_equities( equities, exchanges_output, ) root_symbols_output = _generate_output_dataframe( data_subset=root_symbols, defaults=_root_symbols_defaults, ) return AssetData( equities=equities_output, equities_mappings=equities_mappings, futures=futures_output, exchanges=exchanges_output, root_symbols=root_symbols_output, equity_supplementary_mappings=equity_supplementary_mappings_output, )