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# Copyright 2018 Quantopian, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from six import with_metaclass
from zipline.extensions import extensible
from import NeverCancel

[docs]@extensible class Blotter(with_metaclass(ABCMeta)): def __init__(self, cancel_policy=None): self.cancel_policy = cancel_policy if cancel_policy else NeverCancel() self.current_dt = None def set_date(self, dt): self.current_dt = dt
[docs] @abstractmethod def order(self, asset, amount, style, order_id=None): """Place an order. Parameters ---------- asset : zipline.assets.Asset The asset that this order is for. amount : int The amount of shares to order. If ``amount`` is positive, this is the number of shares to buy or cover. If ``amount`` is negative, this is the number of shares to sell or short. style : The execution style for the order. order_id : str, optional The unique identifier for this order. Returns ------- order_id : str or None The unique identifier for this order, or None if no order was placed. Notes ----- amount > 0 :: Buy/Cover amount < 0 :: Sell/Short Market order: order(asset, amount) Limit order: order(asset, amount, style=LimitOrder(limit_price)) Stop order: order(asset, amount, style=StopOrder(stop_price)) StopLimit order: order(asset, amount, style=StopLimitOrder(limit_price, stop_price)) """ raise NotImplementedError('order')
[docs] def batch_order(self, order_arg_lists): """Place a batch of orders. Parameters ---------- order_arg_lists : iterable[tuple] Tuples of args that `order` expects. Returns ------- order_ids : list[str or None] The unique identifier (or None) for each of the orders placed (or not placed). Notes ----- This is required for `Blotter` subclasses to be able to place a batch of orders, instead of being passed the order requests one at a time. """ return [self.order(*order_args) for order_args in order_arg_lists]
[docs] @abstractmethod def cancel(self, order_id, relay_status=True): """Cancel a single order Parameters ---------- order_id : int The id of the order relay_status : bool Whether or not to record the status of the order """ raise NotImplementedError('cancel')
[docs] @abstractmethod def cancel_all_orders_for_asset(self, asset, warn=False, relay_status=True): """ Cancel all open orders for a given asset. """ raise NotImplementedError('cancel_all_orders_for_asset')
@abstractmethod def execute_cancel_policy(self, event): raise NotImplementedError('execute_cancel_policy')
[docs] @abstractmethod def reject(self, order_id, reason=''): """ Mark the given order as 'rejected', which is functionally similar to cancelled. The distinction is that rejections are involuntary (and usually include a message from a broker indicating why the order was rejected) while cancels are typically user-driven. """ raise NotImplementedError('reject')
[docs] @abstractmethod def hold(self, order_id, reason=''): """ Mark the order with order_id as 'held'. Held is functionally similar to 'open'. When a fill (full or partial) arrives, the status will automatically change back to open/filled as necessary. """ raise NotImplementedError('hold')
[docs] @abstractmethod def process_splits(self, splits): """ Processes a list of splits by modifying any open orders as needed. Parameters ---------- splits: list A list of splits. Each split is a tuple of (asset, ratio). Returns ------- None """ raise NotImplementedError('process_splits')
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_transactions(self, bar_data): """ Creates a list of transactions based on the current open orders, slippage model, and commission model. Parameters ---------- bar_data: zipline._protocol.BarData Notes ----- This method book-keeps the blotter's open_orders dictionary, so that it is accurate by the time we're done processing open orders. Returns ------- transactions_list: List transactions_list: list of transactions resulting from the current open orders. If there were no open orders, an empty list is returned. commissions_list: List commissions_list: list of commissions resulting from filling the open orders. A commission is an object with "asset" and "cost" parameters. closed_orders: List closed_orders: list of all the orders that have filled. """ raise NotImplementedError('get_transactions')
[docs] @abstractmethod def prune_orders(self, closed_orders): """ Removes all given orders from the blotter's open_orders list. Parameters ---------- closed_orders: iterable of orders that are closed. Returns ------- None """ raise NotImplementedError('prune_orders')