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# Copyright 2016 Quantopian, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from abc import abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict

from six import with_metaclass
from toolz import merge

from zipline.assets import Equity, Future
from import AllowedAssetMarker, FinancialModelMeta
from zipline.utils.dummy import DummyMapping

DEFAULT_PER_SHARE_COST = 0.001               # 0.1 cents per share
DEFAULT_PER_CONTRACT_COST = 0.85             # $0.85 per future contract
DEFAULT_PER_DOLLAR_COST = 0.0015             # 0.15 cents per dollar

[docs]class CommissionModel(with_metaclass(FinancialModelMeta)): """ Abstract commission model interface. Commission models are responsible for accepting order/transaction pairs and calculating how much commission should be charged to an algorithm's account on each transaction. """ # Asset types that are compatible with the given model. allowed_asset_types = (Equity, Future)
[docs] @abstractmethod def calculate(self, order, transaction): """ Calculate the amount of commission to charge on ``order`` as a result of ``transaction``. Parameters ---------- order : The order being processed. The ``commission`` field of ``order`` is a float indicating the amount of commission already charged on this order. transaction : The transaction being processed. A single order may generate multiple transactions if there isn't enough volume in a given bar to fill the full amount requested in the order. Returns ------- amount_charged : float The additional commission, in dollars, that we should attribute to this order. """ raise NotImplementedError('calculate')
class NoCommission(CommissionModel): """A commission model where all transactions are free. Notes ----- This is primarily used for testing. """ @staticmethod def calculate(order, transaction): return 0.0 class EquityCommissionModel(with_metaclass(AllowedAssetMarker, CommissionModel)): """ Base class for commission models which only support equities. """ allowed_asset_types = (Equity,) class FutureCommissionModel(with_metaclass(AllowedAssetMarker, CommissionModel)): """ Base class for commission models which only support futures. """ allowed_asset_types = (Future,) def calculate_per_unit_commission(order, transaction, cost_per_unit, initial_commission, min_trade_cost): """ If there is a minimum commission: If the order hasn't had a commission paid yet, pay the minimum commission. If the order has paid a commission, start paying additional commission once the minimum commission has been reached. If there is no minimum commission: Pay commission based on number of units in the transaction. """ additional_commission = abs(transaction.amount * cost_per_unit) if order.commission == 0: # no commission paid yet, pay at least the minimum plus a one-time # exchange fee. return max(min_trade_cost, additional_commission + initial_commission) else: # we've already paid some commission, so figure out how much we # would be paying if we only counted per unit. per_unit_total = \ abs(order.filled * cost_per_unit) + \ additional_commission + \ initial_commission if per_unit_total < min_trade_cost: # if we haven't hit the minimum threshold yet, don't pay # additional commission return 0 else: # we've exceeded the threshold, so pay more commission. return per_unit_total - order.commission
[docs]class PerShare(EquityCommissionModel): """ Calculates a commission for a transaction based on a per share cost with an optional minimum cost per trade. Parameters ---------- cost : float, optional The amount of commissions paid per share traded. min_trade_cost : float, optional The minimum amount of commissions paid per trade. """ def __init__(self, cost=DEFAULT_PER_SHARE_COST, min_trade_cost=DEFAULT_MINIMUM_COST_PER_EQUITY_TRADE): self.cost_per_share = float(cost) self.min_trade_cost = min_trade_cost or 0 def __repr__(self): return ( '{class_name}(cost_per_share={cost_per_share}, ' 'min_trade_cost={min_trade_cost})' .format( class_name=self.__class__.__name__, cost_per_share=self.cost_per_share, min_trade_cost=self.min_trade_cost, ) ) def calculate(self, order, transaction): return calculate_per_unit_commission( order=order, transaction=transaction, cost_per_unit=self.cost_per_share, initial_commission=0, min_trade_cost=self.min_trade_cost, )
class PerContract(FutureCommissionModel): """ Calculates a commission for a transaction based on a per contract cost with an optional minimum cost per trade. Parameters ---------- cost : float or dict The amount of commissions paid per contract traded. If given a float, the commission for all futures contracts is the same. If given a dictionary, it must map root symbols to the commission cost for contracts of that symbol. exchange_fee : float or dict A flat-rate fee charged by the exchange per trade. This value is a constant, one-time charge no matter how many contracts are being traded. If given a float, the fee for all contracts is the same. If given a dictionary, it must map root symbols to the fee for contracts of that symbol. min_trade_cost : float, optional The minimum amount of commissions paid per trade. """ def __init__(self, cost, exchange_fee, min_trade_cost=DEFAULT_MINIMUM_COST_PER_FUTURE_TRADE): # If 'cost' or 'exchange fee' are constants, use a dummy mapping to # treat them as a dictionary that always returns the same value. # NOTE: These dictionary does not handle unknown root symbols, so it # may be worth revisiting this behavior. if isinstance(cost, (int, float)): self._cost_per_contract = DummyMapping(float(cost)) else: # Cost per contract is a dictionary. If the user's dictionary does # not provide a commission cost for a certain contract, fall back # on the pre-defined cost values per root symbol. self._cost_per_contract = defaultdict( lambda: DEFAULT_PER_CONTRACT_COST, **cost ) if isinstance(exchange_fee, (int, float)): self._exchange_fee = DummyMapping(float(exchange_fee)) else: # Exchange fee is a dictionary. If the user's dictionary does not # provide an exchange fee for a certain contract, fall back on the # pre-defined exchange fees per root symbol. self._exchange_fee = merge( FUTURE_EXCHANGE_FEES_BY_SYMBOL, exchange_fee, ) self.min_trade_cost = min_trade_cost or 0 def __repr__(self): if isinstance(self._cost_per_contract, DummyMapping): # Cost per contract is a constant, so extract it. cost_per_contract = self._cost_per_contract['dummy key'] else: cost_per_contract = '<varies>' if isinstance(self._exchange_fee, DummyMapping): # Exchange fee is a constant, so extract it. exchange_fee = self._exchange_fee['dummy key'] else: exchange_fee = '<varies>' return ( '{class_name}(cost_per_contract={cost_per_contract}, ' 'exchange_fee={exchange_fee}, min_trade_cost={min_trade_cost})' .format( class_name=self.__class__.__name__, cost_per_contract=cost_per_contract, exchange_fee=exchange_fee, min_trade_cost=self.min_trade_cost, ) ) def calculate(self, order, transaction): root_symbol = order.asset.root_symbol cost_per_contract = self._cost_per_contract[root_symbol] exchange_fee = self._exchange_fee[root_symbol] return calculate_per_unit_commission( order=order, transaction=transaction, cost_per_unit=cost_per_contract, initial_commission=exchange_fee, min_trade_cost=self.min_trade_cost, )
[docs]class PerTrade(CommissionModel): """ Calculates a commission for a transaction based on a per trade cost. Parameters ---------- cost : float, optional The flat amount of commissions paid per equity trade. """ def __init__(self, cost=DEFAULT_MINIMUM_COST_PER_EQUITY_TRADE): """ Cost parameter is the cost of a trade, regardless of share count. $5.00 per trade is fairly typical of discount brokers. """ # Cost needs to be floating point so that calculation using division # logic does not floor to an integer. self.cost = float(cost) def __repr__(self): return '{class_name}(cost_per_trade={cost})'.format( class_name=self.__class__.__name__, cost=self.cost, ) def calculate(self, order, transaction): """ If the order hasn't had a commission paid yet, pay the fixed commission. """ if order.commission == 0: # if the order hasn't had a commission attributed to it yet, # that's what we need to pay. return self.cost else: # order has already had commission attributed, so no more # commission. return 0.0
class PerFutureTrade(PerContract): """ Calculates a commission for a transaction based on a per trade cost. Parameters ---------- cost : float or dict The flat amount of commissions paid per trade, regardless of the number of contracts being traded. If given a float, the commission for all futures contracts is the same. If given a dictionary, it must map root symbols to the commission cost for trading contracts of that symbol. """ def __init__(self, cost=DEFAULT_MINIMUM_COST_PER_FUTURE_TRADE): # The per-trade cost can be represented as the exchange fee in a # per-contract model because the exchange fee is just a one time cost # incurred on the first fill. super(PerFutureTrade, self).__init__( cost=0, exchange_fee=cost, min_trade_cost=0, ) self._cost_per_trade = self._exchange_fee def __repr__(self): if isinstance(self._cost_per_trade, DummyMapping): # Cost per trade is a constant, so extract it. cost_per_trade = self._cost_per_trade['dummy key'] else: cost_per_trade = '<varies>' return '{class_name}(cost_per_trade={cost_per_trade})'.format( class_name=self.__class__.__name__, cost_per_trade=cost_per_trade, )
[docs]class PerDollar(EquityCommissionModel): """ Calculates a commission for a transaction based on a per dollar cost. Parameters ---------- cost : float The flat amount of commissions paid per dollar of equities traded. """ def __init__(self, cost=DEFAULT_PER_DOLLAR_COST): """ Cost parameter is the cost of a trade per-dollar. 0.0015 on $1 million means $1,500 commission (=1M * 0.0015) """ self.cost_per_dollar = float(cost) def __repr__(self): return "{class_name}(cost_per_dollar={cost})".format( class_name=self.__class__.__name__, cost=self.cost_per_dollar) def calculate(self, order, transaction): """ Pay commission based on dollar value of shares. """ cost_per_share = transaction.price * self.cost_per_dollar return abs(transaction.amount) * cost_per_share