Source code for

# Copyright 2017 Quantopian, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import division

from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict
from functools import partial
from math import isnan

import logbook
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from six import iteritems, itervalues, PY2

from zipline.assets import Future
from import Transaction
import zipline.protocol as zp
from zipline.utils.sentinel import sentinel
from .position import Position
from ._finance_ext import (

log = logbook.Logger('Performance')

[docs]class PositionTracker(object): """The current state of the positions held. Parameters ---------- data_frequency : {'daily', 'minute'} The data frequency of the simulation. """ def __init__(self, data_frequency): self.positions = OrderedDict() self._unpaid_dividends = {} self._unpaid_stock_dividends = {} self._positions_store = zp.Positions() self.data_frequency = data_frequency # cache the stats until something alters our positions self._dirty_stats = True self._stats = def update_position(self, asset, amount=None, last_sale_price=None, last_sale_date=None, cost_basis=None): self._dirty_stats = True if asset not in self.positions: position = Position(asset) self.positions[asset] = position else: position = self.positions[asset] if amount is not None: position.amount = amount if last_sale_price is not None: position.last_sale_price = last_sale_price if last_sale_date is not None: position.last_sale_date = last_sale_date if cost_basis is not None: position.cost_basis = cost_basis def execute_transaction(self, txn): self._dirty_stats = True asset = txn.asset if asset not in self.positions: position = Position(asset) self.positions[asset] = position else: position = self.positions[asset] position.update(txn) if position.amount == 0: del self.positions[asset] try: # if this position exists in our user-facing dictionary, # remove it as well. del self._positions_store[asset] except KeyError: pass def handle_commission(self, asset, cost): # Adjust the cost basis of the stock if we own it if asset in self.positions: self._dirty_stats = True self.positions[asset].adjust_commission_cost_basis(asset, cost)
[docs] def handle_splits(self, splits): """Processes a list of splits by modifying any positions as needed. Parameters ---------- splits: list A list of splits. Each split is a tuple of (asset, ratio). Returns ------- int: The leftover cash from fractional shares after modifying each position. """ total_leftover_cash = 0 for asset, ratio in splits: if asset in self.positions: self._dirty_stats = True # Make the position object handle the split. It returns the # leftover cash from a fractional share, if there is any. position = self.positions[asset] leftover_cash = position.handle_split(asset, ratio) total_leftover_cash += leftover_cash return total_leftover_cash
[docs] def earn_dividends(self, cash_dividends, stock_dividends): """Given a list of dividends whose ex_dates are all the next trading day, calculate and store the cash and/or stock payments to be paid on each dividend's pay date. Parameters ---------- cash_dividends : iterable of (asset, amount, pay_date) namedtuples stock_dividends: iterable of (asset, payment_asset, ratio, pay_date) namedtuples. """ for cash_dividend in cash_dividends: self._dirty_stats = True # only mark dirty if we pay a dividend # Store the earned dividends so that they can be paid on the # dividends' pay_dates. div_owed = self.positions[cash_dividend.asset].earn_dividend( cash_dividend, ) try: self._unpaid_dividends[cash_dividend.pay_date].append(div_owed) except KeyError: self._unpaid_dividends[cash_dividend.pay_date] = [div_owed] for stock_dividend in stock_dividends: self._dirty_stats = True # only mark dirty if we pay a dividend div_owed = self.positions[ stock_dividend.asset ].earn_stock_dividend(stock_dividend) try: self._unpaid_stock_dividends[stock_dividend.pay_date].append( div_owed, ) except KeyError: self._unpaid_stock_dividends[stock_dividend.pay_date] = [ div_owed, ]
[docs] def pay_dividends(self, next_trading_day): """ Returns a cash payment based on the dividends that should be paid out according to the accumulated bookkeeping of earned, unpaid, and stock dividends. """ net_cash_payment = 0.0 try: payments = self._unpaid_dividends[next_trading_day] # Mark these dividends as paid by dropping them from our unpaid del self._unpaid_dividends[next_trading_day] except KeyError: payments = [] # representing the fact that we're required to reimburse the owner of # the stock for any dividends paid while borrowing. for payment in payments: net_cash_payment += payment['amount'] # Add stock for any stock dividends paid. Again, the values here may # be negative in the case of short positions. try: stock_payments = self._unpaid_stock_dividends[next_trading_day] except KeyError: stock_payments = [] for stock_payment in stock_payments: payment_asset = stock_payment['payment_asset'] share_count = stock_payment['share_count'] # note we create a Position for stock dividend if we don't # already own the asset if payment_asset in self.positions: position = self.positions[payment_asset] else: position = self.positions[payment_asset] = Position( payment_asset, ) position.amount += share_count return net_cash_payment
def maybe_create_close_position_transaction(self, asset, dt, data_portal): if not self.positions.get(asset): return None amount = self.positions.get(asset).amount price = data_portal.get_spot_value( asset, 'price', dt, self.data_frequency) # Get the last traded price if price is no longer available if isnan(price): price = self.positions.get(asset).last_sale_price return Transaction( asset=asset, amount=-amount, dt=dt, price=price, order_id=None, ) def get_positions(self): positions = self._positions_store for asset, pos in iteritems(self.positions): # Adds the new position if we didn't have one before, or overwrite # one we have currently positions[asset] = pos.protocol_position return positions def get_position_list(self): return [ pos.to_dict() for asset, pos in iteritems(self.positions) if pos.amount != 0 ] def sync_last_sale_prices(self, dt, data_portal, handle_non_market_minutes=False): self._dirty_stats = True if handle_non_market_minutes: previous_minute = data_portal.trading_calendar.previous_minute(dt) get_price = partial( data_portal.get_adjusted_value, field='price', dt=previous_minute, perspective_dt=dt, data_frequency=self.data_frequency, ) else: get_price = partial( data_portal.get_scalar_asset_spot_value, field='price', dt=dt, data_frequency=self.data_frequency, ) update_position_last_sale_prices(self.positions, get_price, dt) @property def stats(self): """The current status of the positions. Returns ------- stats : PositionStats The current stats position stats. Notes ----- This is cached, repeated access will not recompute the stats until the stats may have changed. """ if self._dirty_stats: calculate_position_tracker_stats(self.positions, self._stats) self._dirty_stats = False return self._stats
if PY2: def move_to_end(ordered_dict, key, last=False): if last: ordered_dict[key] = ordered_dict.pop(key) else: # please don't do this in python 2 ;_; new_first_element = ordered_dict.pop(key) # the items (without the given key) in the order they were inserted items = ordered_dict.items() # reset the ordered_dict to re-insert in the new order ordered_dict.clear() ordered_dict[key] = new_first_element # add the items back in their original order ordered_dict.update(items) else: move_to_end = OrderedDict.move_to_end PeriodStats = namedtuple( 'PeriodStats', 'net_liquidation gross_leverage net_leverage', ) not_overridden = sentinel( 'not_overridden', 'Mark that an account field has not been overridden', )
[docs]class Ledger(object): """The ledger tracks all orders and transactions as well as the current state of the portfolio and positions. Attributes ---------- portfolio : zipline.protocol.Portfolio The updated portfolio being managed. account : zipline.protocol.Account The updated account being managed. position_tracker : PositionTracker The current set of positions. todays_returns : float The current day's returns. In minute emission mode, this is the partial day's returns. In daily emission mode, this is ``daily_returns[session]``. daily_returns_series : pd.Series The daily returns series. Days that have not yet finished will hold a value of ``np.nan``. daily_returns_array : np.ndarray The daily returns as an ndarray. Days that have not yet finished will hold a value of ``np.nan``. """ def __init__(self, trading_sessions, capital_base, data_frequency, cash): if len(trading_sessions): start = trading_sessions[0] else: start = None # Have some fields of the portfolio changed? This should be accessed # through ``self._dirty_portfolio`` self.__dirty_portfolio = False self._immutable_portfolio = zp.Portfolio(start, capital_base, cash = cash) self._portfolio = zp.MutableView(self._immutable_portfolio) self.daily_returns_series = pd.Series( np.nan, index=trading_sessions, ) # Get a view into the storage of the returns series. Metrics # can access this directly in minute mode for performance reasons. self.daily_returns_array = self.daily_returns_series.values self._previous_total_returns = 0 # this is a component of the cache key for the account self._position_stats = None # Have some fields of the account changed? self._dirty_account = True self._immutable_account = zp.Account() self._account = zp.MutableView(self._immutable_account) # The broker blotter can override some fields on the account. This is # way to tangled up at the moment but we aren't fixing it today. self._account_overrides = {} self.position_tracker = PositionTracker(data_frequency) self._processed_transactions = {} self._orders_by_modified = {} self._orders_by_id = OrderedDict() # Keyed by asset, the previous last sale price of positions with # payouts on price differences, e.g. Futures. # # This dt is not the previous minute to the minute for which the # calculation is done, but the last sale price either before the period # start, or when the price at execution. self._payout_last_sale_prices = {} @property def todays_returns(self): # compute today's returns in returns space instead of portfolio-value # space to work even when we have capital changes return ( (self.portfolio.returns + 1) / (self._previous_total_returns + 1) - 1 ) @property def _dirty_portfolio(self): return self.__dirty_portfolio @_dirty_portfolio.setter def _dirty_portfolio(self, value): if value: # marking the portfolio as dirty also marks the account as dirty self.__dirty_portfolio = self._dirty_account = value else: self.__dirty_portfolio = value def start_of_session(self, session_label): self._processed_transactions.clear() self._orders_by_modified.clear() self._orders_by_id.clear() # Save the previous day's total returns so that ``todays_returns`` # produces returns since yesterday. This does not happen in # ``end_of_session`` because we want ``todays_returns`` to produce the # correct value in metric ``end_of_session`` handlers. self._previous_total_returns = self.portfolio.returns def end_of_bar(self, session_ix): # make daily_returns hold the partial returns, this saves many # metrics from doing a concat and copying all of the previous # returns self.daily_returns_array[session_ix] = self.todays_returns def end_of_session(self, session_ix): # save the daily returns time-series self.daily_returns_series[session_ix] = self.todays_returns def sync_last_sale_prices(self, dt, data_portal, handle_non_market_minutes=False): self.position_tracker.sync_last_sale_prices( dt, data_portal, handle_non_market_minutes=handle_non_market_minutes, ) self._dirty_portfolio = True @staticmethod def _calculate_payout(multiplier, amount, old_price, price): return (price - old_price) * multiplier * amount def _cash_flow(self, amount): self._dirty_portfolio = True p = self._portfolio p.cash_flow += amount += amount
[docs] def process_transaction(self, transaction): """Add a transaction to ledger, updating the current state as needed. Parameters ---------- transaction : zp.Transaction The transaction to execute. """ asset = transaction.asset if isinstance(asset, Future): try: old_price = self._payout_last_sale_prices[asset] except KeyError: self._payout_last_sale_prices[asset] = transaction.price else: position = self.position_tracker.positions[asset] amount = position.amount price = transaction.price self._cash_flow( self._calculate_payout( asset.price_multiplier, amount, old_price, price, ), ) if amount + transaction.amount == 0: del self._payout_last_sale_prices[asset] else: self._payout_last_sale_prices[asset] = price else: self._cash_flow(-(transaction.price * transaction.amount)) self.position_tracker.execute_transaction(transaction) # we only ever want the dict form from now on transaction_dict = transaction.to_dict() try: self._processed_transactions[transaction.dt].append( transaction_dict, ) except KeyError: self._processed_transactions[transaction.dt] = [transaction_dict]
[docs] def process_splits(self, splits): """Processes a list of splits by modifying any positions as needed. Parameters ---------- splits: list[(Asset, float)] A list of splits. Each split is a tuple of (asset, ratio). """ leftover_cash = self.position_tracker.handle_splits(splits) if leftover_cash > 0: self._cash_flow(leftover_cash)
[docs] def process_order(self, order): """Keep track of an order that was placed. Parameters ---------- order : zp.Order The order to record. """ try: dt_orders = self._orders_by_modified[order.dt] except KeyError: self._orders_by_modified[order.dt] = OrderedDict([ (, order), ]) self._orders_by_id[] = order else: self._orders_by_id[] = dt_orders[] = order # to preserve the order of the orders by modified date move_to_end(dt_orders,, last=True) move_to_end(self._orders_by_id,, last=True)
[docs] def process_commission(self, commission): """Process the commission. Parameters ---------- commission : zp.Event The commission being paid. """ asset = commission['asset'] cost = commission['cost'] self.position_tracker.handle_commission(asset, cost) self._cash_flow(-cost)
def close_position(self, asset, dt, data_portal): txn = self.position_tracker.maybe_create_close_position_transaction( asset, dt, data_portal, ) if txn is not None: self.process_transaction(txn)
[docs] def process_dividends(self, next_session, asset_finder, adjustment_reader): """Process dividends for the next session. This will earn us any dividends whose ex-date is the next session as well as paying out any dividends whose pay-date is the next session """ position_tracker = self.position_tracker # Earn dividends whose ex_date is the next trading day. We need to # check if we own any of these stocks so we know to pay them out when # the pay date comes. held_sids = set(position_tracker.positions) if held_sids: cash_dividends = adjustment_reader.get_dividends_with_ex_date( held_sids, next_session, asset_finder ) stock_dividends = ( adjustment_reader.get_stock_dividends_with_ex_date( held_sids, next_session, asset_finder ) ) # Earning a dividend just marks that we need to get paid out on # the dividend's pay-date. This does not affect our cash yet. position_tracker.earn_dividends( cash_dividends, stock_dividends, ) # Pay out the dividends whose pay-date is the next session. This does # affect out cash. self._cash_flow( position_tracker.pay_dividends( next_session, ), )
def capital_change(self, change_amount): self.update_portfolio() portfolio = self._portfolio # we update the cash and total value so this is not dirty portfolio.portfolio_value += change_amount += change_amount
[docs] def transactions(self, dt=None): """Retrieve the dict-form of all of the transactions in a given bar or for the whole simulation. Parameters ---------- dt : pd.Timestamp or None, optional The particular datetime to look up transactions for. If not passed, or None is explicitly passed, all of the transactions will be returned. Returns ------- transactions : list[dict] The transaction information. """ if dt is None: # flatten the by-day transactions return [ txn for by_day in itervalues(self._processed_transactions) for txn in by_day ] return self._processed_transactions.get(dt, [])
[docs] def orders(self, dt=None): """Retrieve the dict-form of all of the orders in a given bar or for the whole simulation. Parameters ---------- dt : pd.Timestamp or None, optional The particular datetime to look up order for. If not passed, or None is explicitly passed, all of the orders will be returned. Returns ------- orders : list[dict] The order information. """ if dt is None: # orders by id is already flattened return [o.to_dict() for o in itervalues(self._orders_by_id)] return [ o.to_dict() for o in itervalues(self._orders_by_modified.get(dt, {})) ]
@property def positions(self): return self.position_tracker.get_position_list() def _get_payout_total(self, positions): calculate_payout = self._calculate_payout payout_last_sale_prices = self._payout_last_sale_prices total = 0 for asset, old_price in iteritems(payout_last_sale_prices): position = positions[asset] payout_last_sale_prices[asset] = price = position.last_sale_price amount = position.amount total += calculate_payout( asset.price_multiplier, amount, old_price, price, ) return total
[docs] def update_portfolio(self): """Force a computation of the current portfolio state. """ if not self._dirty_portfolio: return portfolio = self._portfolio pt = self.position_tracker portfolio.positions = pt.get_positions() position_stats = pt.stats portfolio.positions_value = position_value = ( position_stats.net_value ) portfolio.positions_exposure = position_stats.net_exposure self._cash_flow(self._get_payout_total(pt.positions)) start_value = portfolio.portfolio_value # update the new starting value portfolio.portfolio_value = end_value = + position_value pnl = end_value - start_value if start_value != 0: returns = pnl / start_value else: returns = 0.0 portfolio.pnl += pnl portfolio.returns = ( (1 + portfolio.returns) * (1 + returns) - 1 ) # the portfolio has been fully synced self._dirty_portfolio = False
@property def portfolio(self): """Compute the current portfolio. Notes ----- This is cached, repeated access will not recompute the portfolio until the portfolio may have changed. """ self.update_portfolio() return self._immutable_portfolio def calculate_period_stats(self): position_stats = self.position_tracker.stats portfolio_value = self.portfolio.portfolio_value if portfolio_value == 0: gross_leverage = net_leverage = np.inf else: gross_leverage = position_stats.gross_exposure / portfolio_value net_leverage = position_stats.net_exposure / portfolio_value return portfolio_value, gross_leverage, net_leverage
[docs] def override_account_fields(self, settled_cash=not_overridden, accrued_interest=not_overridden, buying_power=not_overridden, equity_with_loan=not_overridden, total_positions_value=not_overridden, total_positions_exposure=not_overridden, regt_equity=not_overridden, regt_margin=not_overridden, initial_margin_requirement=not_overridden, maintenance_margin_requirement=not_overridden, available_funds=not_overridden, excess_liquidity=not_overridden, cushion=not_overridden, day_trades_remaining=not_overridden, leverage=not_overridden, net_leverage=not_overridden, net_liquidation=not_overridden): """Override fields on ``self.account``. """ # mark that the portfolio is dirty to override the fields again self._dirty_account = True self._account_overrides = kwargs = { k: v for k, v in locals().items() if v is not not_overridden } del kwargs['self']
@property def account(self): if self._dirty_account: portfolio = self.portfolio account = self._account # If no attribute is found in the ``_account_overrides`` resort to # the following default values. If an attribute is found use the # existing value. For instance, a broker may provide updates to # these attributes. In this case we do not want to over write the # broker values with the default values. account.settled_cash = account.accrued_interest = 0.0 account.buying_power = np.inf account.equity_with_loan = portfolio.portfolio_value account.total_positions_value = ( portfolio.portfolio_value - ) account.total_positions_exposure = ( portfolio.positions_exposure ) account.regt_equity = account.regt_margin = np.inf account.initial_margin_requirement = 0.0 account.maintenance_margin_requirement = 0.0 account.available_funds = account.excess_liquidity = account.cushion = ( ( / portfolio.portfolio_value) if portfolio.portfolio_value else np.nan ) account.day_trades_remaining = np.inf (account.net_liquidation, account.gross_leverage, account.net_leverage) = self.calculate_period_stats() account.leverage = account.gross_leverage # apply the overrides for k, v in iteritems(self._account_overrides): setattr(account, k, v) # the account has been fully synced self._dirty_account = False return self._immutable_account